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Human Design

Updated: 5 days ago

Written by Laura Schiavonne

There are five different types of people in the world;

• Those who are in the middle of their community helping and ensuring everyone has what they need.

• There’s the masters of their craft, they’re magnetic and sparkly, lighting you up when they walk in a room.

• The multi-passionate, energetic beings who can do multiple things at once.

• The guides of the tribe, the people who teach us how to be more efficient and touch our hearts with their wisdom.

• And, the thunder storms. The initiators - they are the cause and everyone else is the effect.

Each person plays a significant role that allows our world to run like clock-work. Unless…

they are not using their energy in alignment with their natural gifts. Everyone has a unique Human Design, the blueprint of your energetic aura that you were born into this word with.

By having awareness of our own Human Design, we can understand how we are destined to work in the most efficient, easy and laid-back way. It can also help to show us how we connect best with others.

Our human design chart shows us how our energy collaborates with others, and how in other areas it may not work so well. This is a life-saver for our relationships, careers and in business.

Instead of pushing or forcing things to work for us, our design gives us a roadmap on how to use our energy in the ways it was designed to. Therefore speeding up the de-conditioning process needed to get back to our most authentic essence.

Most importantly, living in alignment with your unique design will help you to manifest good physical health and vitality.

"Feeling depleted and overworked is so last decade!"

Here is the wisdom Human Design can give you to guide you back to who you really were before life happened:


The purpose of your energy.


How you can make the best decisions.


How you best output and receive energy to manifest your blessings.


Tell-tale signs when you’re on your life path


How your energy expresses; pressure, emotions, creativity, physical health, fears, instincts, resources, self-esteem, will-power, motivation, love, identity, leadership, communication, manifestation, insights, ideas and inspiration.


Your strongest gifts.


Your personality and life path.


The most aligned way to digest life and food, the most aligned environment, how you manifest and focus best

There’s so much to know! But if we’re going to start with transforming your life, let’s start with the energy types!

If you follow the strategy for your energy type, your design unlocks for you and your gifts will naturally express themselves in the highest way.


There are 5 energy types, all supposed to express their energy in different ways. You can reveal your energy type as you have your location, date and specific time of birth (hop onto google and type in free human design chart). This will give you your energy type and strategy.

The 5 energy types are as follows.

MANIFESTOR - making up 8% of the population.

Purpose: To gather, create momentum in a direction, trail blazers, innovators, here to create a movement.

Strategy: To initiate & inform. Once you receive that urge from within to do or start something, let people know. This gives the generators of the world something to respond to. Not informing others what you’re doing can create anger around you.

GENERATOR - making up 35% of the population

Purpose: To create, to lift, to share, to magnetise, to move their community forwards, to achieve mastery in their field.

Strategy: To respond. Say YES to what lights you up and NO to what doesn’t. Time to stop people-pleasing and doing so much for others, it’s keeping you stuck.

MANIFESTING GENERATOR - making up 35% of the population.

Purpose: To forge, to create, to play, to move quickly, superhumans

Strategy: To respond. Again, say YES to only what lights you up and also know that you are not like others - you are here to do multiple things at once and your energy isn’t supposed to see all things through to the end.

PROJECTOR - making up 21% of the population

Purpose: To tweak, to guide, to bring efficiency with systems and strategies, guides for the tribe, not here to do, new CEO's of the world.

Strategy: Wait for an invitation. That’s right, wait to be asked for your guidance and wisdom. I know it can be difficult because you see so clearly what others can’t, but forcing yourself to be recognised will only create bitterness. You’ll be heard clearly when you give others space to be ready for it.

REFLECTOR - making up 1% of the population

Purpose: To reflect, to mirror, to reveal, greatest potential for wisdom for society

Strategy: Wait a lunar cycle. Give the world around you time to reveal it’s true intentions and what’s needed for the most aligned responses and action.

The ways in which you use your energy is also determined by following your authority. Once you do this, life will unravel in the most beautiful ways.

So what are you waiting for? Find out YOUR Human Design and start living in alignment with your highest potential, today!

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